Cowgirl Yoga Ranch Camp Round-Up

What a weekend at Cowgirl Yoga Ranch Camp. I am soooo grateful to our great group of cowgirl yoginis who came together to enjoy horses and yoga, get dirty and play outside under the Big Sky. Memorable moments included:

  • Supermodel S’Mores: the loveliest supermodel ever joined us for this retreat and enjoyed her very first (and second, and third) S’More.
  • My Cowgirl Costume: I felt like I was dressed for a costume party in my chinks and lots of pink! Good thing I was riding Fancy our only mare that day.
  • Our open-air converted-garage yoga studio: who needs yoga music when you have rolling thunder, cows mooing, horses neighing and other ranch life noises for a soundtrack?
  • Red Ants Pants shopping party.
  • Tons of Cowgirl Cookouts in various locations all over the ranch, with fresh, healthy and local food prepared by head wrangler Janice (and I got my summer staple salad of mango and black beans in there too!). Highlights included a fresh rhubarb and dried fruit pie, “Mex-tana” night (vs. Tex-Mex), elk burgers, and Ron added some Mile High Whole Wheat Biscuits with ranch honey one morning.
  • Namaste moments: our yoga tribute to the ranch animals – practicing horse pose, vatayanasana, and cowface pose, gomukhasana; hiking up to Photo-Op hill to soak up the views and practice partner tree pose (note pic of CY ranch hosts Janice and Ron – we’ll get Ron doing yoga next!); seeing Sam (equine) do a downward facing dog.
  • Yeehaw moments: foam fighting on horseback; hayride over to our picnic site; that indescribable feeling of connecting our yoga practice to our time in the saddle.

We’ll be planning next year’s ranch camp dates very shortly so stay tuned to save the date for 2010! Yeehaw & Namaste.