Cowgirl Yoga™ Blog

Montana Musings from Margaret Burns Vap on life under the Big Sky,
motherhood, horses, and last but not least, yoga.
Yeehaw & Namaste.

  • 11 Jun, 2024
    Bang Bang Hats + Cowgirl Yoga

    Happy summer 2024! I’m continuing to share this space with women who have been an …

  • 18 Apr, 2024
    Horses + Yoga + Women

      Welcome back to the Cowgirl Yoga blog. Does anyone still blog?? Well, here we …

  • 17 Feb, 2024
    Women in Wellness: Caitlin Kelly

    Originally published March 2022 In today’s upside-down world, authentic connections with people who can help …

  • 16 Feb, 2024
    Yoga: extreme sport?

    Originally published November 2019 Many moons ago, part of my job in the beauty industry …

  • 15 Feb, 2024
    Getting Grounded: the link between yoga and horses

    Originally published April 2018 It’s been a never ending winter here in Montana, and our …

  • 14 Feb, 2024
    The Simplicity of Horses and Yoga

    Originally published September 2017 It’s been a complicated summer, that required lots of coordination and …

  • 13 Feb, 2024
    The “You” Vacation, Boys Keep Out

    Originally published May 2017 Keep out – no boys allowed. Remember that sign we made on …

  • 12 Feb, 2024
    Yoga & Grief: a practice, a process

      2016: first Prince, next Bowie, then my younger brother. George Michael, Princess Leia. There …

  • 11 Feb, 2024
    Yoga = Union

    Originally published November 2016 So, it’s been a roller coaster of a week. A roller …