Cowgirl Yoga Fave Moments

Here’s a round up of my fave moments from last week’s Cowgirl Yoga summer ’09 kick-off retreat:

  • Learning new things: horses put their butts to the wind when it’s really gusting – we’re guessing that when your butt’s that big, it’s a great windbreaker; how mares flirt – by coyly lifting one front hoof up, and other more graphic ways I’ll let you research on your own
  • Trying new things: a cowgirl yogini’s first encounter with Escolar sushi, backbending bareback (pictures to come)
  • Wildflower extravaganza all over the trails, with names like glacier lily, arrowleaf balsam root, heartleaf arnica, white trillium and rock clematis  – more on that coming soon
  • Seeing an elk cow that had just given birth while riding out at the ranch and hoping we didn’t scare her away from her baby
  • Hearing the cry of a red-tailed hawk above us
  • Spotting two yellow-bellied marmots on our afternoon hike
  • Moody Montana weather: sunny and 80s to heavy cloud cover with high winds to crystal clear skies and perfect temps in the 70s all in the course of 5 days (p.s. – it snowed this weekend) 
  • Dreamy riding in the clouds on a mountain trail and having our reverie briefly interrupted by a huge partridge or pheasant (it all happened too fast to id the bird!)
  • Watching herd dynamics and horse play 
  • Relaxing moments bareback while horses happily munch dandelions
  • Relaxing moments soaking in the hot springs 
  • Cowgirl Cookout with elk burgers, salads galore and S’mores with Nutella – Yum! 
  • Yoga, yoga and more yoga
All things that add up to reinforce the meaning of one of my favorite quotes:
Always leave enough time in your life for something that makes you happy, satisfied, or even joyous (Paul Hawken). Thank you to everyone, both equine and human, for all the positive energy contributed to make last week a memorable one. Namaste.