When you live in Montana, you can go over to a friends’ place for dinner, and be able to hop on their horses and ride out their backyard into the mountains. Yep, that’s what I did last night. I rode the sweetest girl named Misty – a 24 year old part-thoroughbred with cancer throughout her body. And let me tell you, this girl did not act like she was the least bit sick. I’ve been thinking about her all day, and how wonderful it is that she lives in the moment. Perhaps she knows that she is ill; but even so, an obsessive worry about what the future will bring does not rule her days. A member of our family has recently been going through cancer treatment; the diagnosis was a big surprise for someone so young. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about him this summer, and feeling pain at how much anxiety about the future he’s suffered. How can we as humans learn to focus on the precious present moment? I’m signing up for ongoing lessons from horses…here’s a picture of my daughter on Misty.