If you are reading this, it’s likely that yoga is on your list of things that make you feel happy and grounded. Taking the time right now for self-care and introspection through a yoga and meditation practice is an investment that is guaranteed to pay off (and what else can you say that about today?). So while the stock market free falls and every week brings more bad news about companies we thought were rock-solid, know that you can strengthen yourself and establish your own solid ground on which to stand, to face whatever first chakra challenges come your way. And best of all, yoga and meditation are practically free. If you can’t justify paying for class, invest in a few audio CDs and create a home practice (my tips on this here). And by the way, I’m not suggesting you don’t buy that cute muladhara hoody; but if you normally engage in excessive retail therapy (definitely a first chakra issue), perhaps now is the time to choose quality over quantity. Tune up your muladhara chakra and wear the hoody proudly!
Pictured: Setu bandhasana, or bridge pose, can help open the first chakra.
As you take time to appreciate all that you do have, explore the value of experiences over material items. My preference right now is to spend any discretionary income on creating memories and experiences that will enrich my life and that I will cherish for years to come. After last year’s amazing weekend retreats, we decided to once again offer our Women’s Eat Pray Love Yoga Weekends in 2009. And like the muladhara hoody, we feel it’s quite appropriate for the times. Are you being challenged by change? Be inspired by Elizabeth Gilbert’s life-changing journeys in Eat, Pray, Love. Join us May 1-3 for a spring weekend retreat dedicated to discussing the book, doing yoga, and finding your own inspiration for positive change. More on Elizabeth Gilbert coming soon…