Stable Relationship

Yeehaw and Namaste alert! Why do I never get tired of saying that? It’s so appropriate for so many things, and reminds me of sthira and sukha, the yogic concept of combining effort and ease to create balance. Anyhow, wanted to direct your attention to the June issue of Yoga Journal, page 45 to be exact. There is an article on our Cowgirl Yoga retreats entitled “Stable Relationship”. Dontcha just love that? The subtitle issues quite a tempting invitation: Cultivate an intimate connection with a four-legged friend, and with yourself, on a yoga and horsemanship retreat. Pretty cool summer plans, huh? What an answer that would be when your friends ask you what you’re up to this summer. Here’s a little teaser from the article: 

Understanding [the] elemental characteristics about horses and adopting behaviors that they can easily understand are the primary tenets of natural horsemanship. And, Burns Vap tells us (that’s me!), yoga is an easy complement to this process. In addition to its focus on core strength, which is necessary for riding, yoga’s themes of grounding and centering, and of breathing into and moving from your center, can help a rider direct energy and intention to the horse. ‘Like with yoga, with riding you have to be in the present’, says Burns Vap. ‘And when you’re done, you have that same sense of clarity.’
Now I expect you to drop what you’re doing and run out to buy the magazine! And after you read the rest of the article, I just KNOW that you’ll sign up for Cowgirl Yoga. Well, I would certainly love it if you did, but will settle for hoping you get the chance to read the article.