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Aahhhhh, summer…when I am too busy livin’ it to blog about it. Although I would adore more time to reflect, I can’t complain. After our first two Cowgirl Yoga retreats of the season, the fam and I spent a few days in Yellowstone before heading to Red Rock Ranch for a week of CY, dude-ranch style. Now we’re in the hot heartland of America visiting husband’s family for a few days. Then it’s back to Cowgirl Yoga life and back hOMe to Montana. Is it really July already?!

There’s a lot to be said for disconnecting, and reconnecting to nature, family, and the myriad of enjoyable pursuits that don’t involve a computer, phone or internet connection…but I’ll confess that it’s made me feel, well, a bit disconnected. And I’m struggling with that, since I need to practice what I preach on retreats. I’m not saying I don’t love it: we soaked up some of Yellowstone National Park’s absolute best, spent a week riding, doing yoga and being outdoors at RRR, and are spending precious time with family we don’t get to see often. This is what people did more of before internet, Facebook, Twitter, blogging. But like I always say…it’s all about the balance. How do we integrate these electronic ways to connect with “old-fashioned” ways to connect? How do we balance them? It’s an ongoing challenge, a moving target, and an open-ended question that fascinates me – especially when I feel out of the technological loop and want to explore why that bothers me.

In any event, here I am, back on the blog. There is much from the last few weeks that I hope to share here shortly. Meanwhile, if I had to choose one photo from our adventures, this would be it: Artist’s Point in YNP. The view of the Lower Falls that stopped me in my tracks and made me forget about it all. That left me disconnected, in a very good way. Would you check email here…?

Happy summer! Hope that you’re finding time to disconnect too.