Old Gringo Cancer Kickin’ Cowgirl Boots

I remember when we first moved to Montana, and I hesitated on the cowgirl boots. I guess I was thinking something like you can take a city girl out of the city, but…obviously things have changed. One of my most prized possessions is a pair of Old Gringo boots, pictured here. I wear them on every Cowgirl Yoga retreat (and beyond that, as much as I can get away with).

So when we hatched the idea to send cancer kickin’ cowgirl boots to women in treatment for breast cancer, I had my heart set on Old Gringo. These are seriously badass-yet-beautiful boots – perfect for kicking cancer’s ass. This fall we’ll be sending OGs to two women in treatment for breast cancer, and will do the same every season after that. A Big Sky sized thank you to OG for partnering with us on this.

The idea was inspired by one of our previous Cowgirls vs. Cancer scholarship recipients, who wore her cowgirl boots throughout her treatment. And last fall, one of our 2013 C vs C cowgirls was re-diagnosed. We had her pick a pair of OGs as she prepared for battle; she said everyone on her medical team wanted to know the story, and that her and her family enjoyed talking about Montana and her boots instead of cancer. 

Want to be part of this? Nominate or donate!
Know someone in treatment for breast cancer? Nominate her for a pair of Old Gringo Cancer Kickin’ Cowgirl Boots by December 31, 2014. 
Help us buy the boots and/or become a supporter of our fundly campaign (click below).
Yeehaw & Namaste.