4 hours in the moment

Today was the Back Country Horsemen’s Annual Poker Ride, which to sum it up, is a 12 mile romp on horseback through the Bridger mountains. Yes, there is some sort of poker game involved (I would not be the one to ask for more info on this), lunch, prizes, and 350 people riding out. Whoa! I was lucky enough to be part of the pre-ride trail check with my Cowgirl Yoga partner Janice – so we were off by 7:30 am ahead of all the other riders. My boy for the day was Rocky, an Appaloosa with attitude. Just look at his face and you can see it. It was a gorgeous summer morning: the lupine was is full bloom, the trail was in great shape (note perfectionist Janice, with reigns in mouth, making a few finishing touches to the ribbon markers), and I had on my new chinks that I was determined to get dirty. As we rode the “backcountry” terrain fairly quickly, my attention was entirely focused on a. not getting too close to trees b. constantly shifting my center of balance over Rocky’s, as we went up, down, and all around c. ujjayi breath, after I would realize I was holding it. These three tasks kept me in the present moment for the full four hours (perhaps with the one exception being when we briefly dismounted for a potty break). Ah, nothing like putting your yoga into action in the saddle! I came home and took an hour long savasana (uh, nap).

What a great start to a fun-filled week – our July Cowgirl Yoga begins tomorrow. But first, husband and I are off to the Dinosaur museum tonight, aka the Museum of the Rockies, for their Wine Classic.
Yeehaw, Namaste, & Cheers!