It’s a dark, gloomy day outside, during a dark, gloomy election time. I have a bad cold. I am resisting the urge to crawl back into bed. It feels light years away from the brightness and buoyancy that abounds on our Cowgirl Yoga retreats. Time to lighten the mood with a spotlight on Cowgirls vs. Cancer. Because its mission shines through, no matter how dark the day.
Breast cancer has touched too many of our mothers, sisters, and friends. That’s why we created Cowgirls vs. Cancer, a one-of-a-kind scholarship retreat and 501(c)3 designed to provide solace, rejuvenation, and healing for women battling breast cancer.
I am at times overwhelmed by how we got here. Years of ideas, planning, effort, and people combining their talents is the blood, sweat and tears behind Cowgirls vs. Cancer. We’ve woven our story together with over 60 cowgirl yoginis who have joined us on this annual retreat, to experience holistic healing through yoga and horses in the wilds of Montana.
- C vs C coordinator and Big Sky Yoga Retreats trip leader Lisa writes for KiraGrace, Breast Cancer Awareness: 3 Restorative Poses for Healing.
- Dosha Pops interviews me on their blog, Saddle Up! Cowgirls vs. Cancer is helping women give cancer the boot.
- Jade Yoga is once again offering a limited supply of their pink mats. For every pink mat sold, they will donate $5 to breast cancer research. Support a great cause while scoring yourself nature’s best yoga mat, and planting a tree, all at the same time. Thanks Jade for donating pink mats for our Cowgirls vs. Cancer yoginis each year.
- Indulge in top-o’-the-line equestrian fashion and EQ Wear will donate 10% of any purchase to Cowgirls vs Cancer. My Cowgirl Yoga faves are the practice pants and the skinny leg. Be sure to mention C vs C when you order.
- Shop the delicious, high quality body products by Glow for a Cause and choose C vs C to donate 5% of your purchase.
- The Tea Spot founder Maria’s first book debuts in December, and she interviews me in it! Pre-order your copy of Cancer Hates Tea here.
- See how Montana Yoga Photographer Larry captured the magic on our 2016 C vs C retreat in Healing with Horses and Yoga, and then…