Giving thanks, a day later

Well, I missed the boat on a Thanksgiving post. It’s been a little wild and crazy around here, as I get ready to go to London – we leave tomorrow. There’s been so much leading up to this day, so I am ready to get on with it. It’s funny how I never seem to learn that the worst part of anticipating a big event is – the anticipation. While I’ve definitely had my days, this time round I feel calmer. I even managed to pack my bags without overflow; husband looked at them and said, I don’t think you’re taking enough. Seriously. So after years of being an overpacker, I was delighted at my progress.

Anyhow, better a day late than never to reflect on gratitude. We were fortunate enough to spend Thanksgiving dinner with my Cowgirl Yoga partner Janice and her family, which helped us feel like we didn’t get totally cheated out of the holiday by planning to depart for six months 2 days later. Other things I’m giving thanks for this year:
  • My family’s health. A good friend just said to me in an email, “health is key, and so taken for granted by the healthy, isn’t it?” It’s so easy to get swooped up in our daily dramas and take them all so very seriously, when serious illness isn’t affecting you or yours. Husband’s sibling has colon cancer that recently spread, and our Cowgirls vs. Cancer program reminds me often to be thankful for good health; reminders to keep my own daily drama in check.
  • Lessons from my little one. I blogged about this recently, but the learnings continue, particularly during my pre-London fog…my 5 year old daughter is handling this upcoming transition with the utmost grace, and the ability to live in the moment. On Tuesday, her last day of school, they had a special goodbye celebration for her; I arrived in time to watch the kids in her class all line up to give her a hug, one by one. I was the one in tears with the goodbyes; the entire way home, she talked about what each child said to her and who she wanted to send postcards to. Talk about beautiful closure.
  • The opportunity for adventure, and to expand beyond my comfort zones. It’s been easy to get caught up in a feeling of pre-London panic: but I’m comfortable here! I like my life! We just did a major move (from DC to Montana in 2007) not that long ago! So then I have to remind myself: how often does life present this kind of opportunity, to live abroad and explore the culture and history (and yoga) that a place like London has to offer? Some of it isn’t easy or fun – for example, we don’t have a place to live yet, ACK! – but it will all balance out and I know we will be fine.
I’m a believer in signs. This morning as I was headed into town for a whirlwind of errands, feeling the stress of our last day in the States for awhile, my daughter yelled from the backseat, ELK! There was a gorgeous herd of elk bedded down in the snow, enjoying the sunshine we haven’t seen in a few very snowy days. This kind of sight always takes my breath away, and reminds me how to live in the moment. So lastly, I am thankful for the elk. Next post from London. Namaste.