Animal Extravaganza

I’m on our yoga and hiking week-long retreat, and we’ve had quite the animal extravaganza here in Big Sky…the other evening, a family of moose put on a before-dinner show for us by parading around the lodge for over 45 minutes. A mom and 2 babies (which is apparently very rare, moose typically only have one offspring at a time), and a male who we thought was the dad until we were informed that moose do not stay together in a family unit. They ate from the trees, drank from the outdoor water fountains, and watched us as much as we watched them. What a treat! Pictures to come post-retreat. Although we’re at the tail end of elk mating season, we’ve heard them bugling, seen a huge bull waltz in front of our car at 6 am (we were all awake after that!), and spotted another bull herding his harem. And this morning we did a sunrise elk-spotting hike. In addition to all the animal thrills, we’ve hiked at least 6 miles a day and practiced tons of yoga. And did I mention the food? We’ve done a lot of good solid eating too. It doesn’t get much better than this. What a great way to celebrate the fall season.