Cowgirl Yoga™ Blog

Montana Musings from Margaret Burns Vap on life under the Big Sky,
motherhood, horses, and last but not least, yoga.
Yeehaw & Namaste.

  • 09 Sep, 2008
    EZ Appetizer

    OK, had to share one of Christine’s pix of the food at the Big EZ…all …

  • 09 Sep, 2008
    A healthy, balanced mix

    After this weekend’s whirlwind of retreat activities, I’ve been left feeling blessedly balanced. A lot …

  • 05 Sep, 2008
    Eat Pray Love Yoga

    After doing our summer retreats down in Bozeman, it is lovely to return to the …

  • 01 Sep, 2008
    Glacier National Park

    Here are more pictures from our Glacier trip – yes, that is a fresh dusting …

  • 31 Aug, 2008
    Glacier Grizzly & Staying Yogic

    So my nerves started to fray a bit amidst all the bear warnings in Glacier …

  • 28 Aug, 2008
    Glacier & the Dipper

    Just back from my first visit to Glacier National Park late last night, and a …

  • 24 Aug, 2008
    Change of scenery part II

    So, even though a lot of my life under the Big Sky takes place outdoors …

  • 23 Aug, 2008
    Be the change

    We’re in Missoula dropping Morgane off at her grandparents’ and heading to Glacier National Park …

  • 22 Aug, 2008
    Mommy Mantras

    Sometimes you pick up a book that resonates so much with your present life stuff …