Cowgirl Yoga™ Blog

Montana Musings from Margaret Burns Vap on life under the Big Sky,
motherhood, horses, and last but not least, yoga.
Yeehaw & Namaste.

  • 06 Oct, 2011
    Cowgirls vs. Cancer 2011: Su’s story

    October is breast cancer awareness month, and we’re now accepting nominations for our 2012 Cowgirls …

  • 06 Oct, 2011
    Words to live by

    ‎You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work …

  • 30 Sep, 2011
    One Week of One-Pose Wonders

    Fall has arrived. It often feels more like a new beginning than New Year’s: that …

  • 28 Sep, 2011
    Small yogis, larger-than-life gifts

    Yesterday I did what that Eleanor Roosevelt quote instructs: do one thing every day that …

  • 22 Sep, 2011
    Yoga, Hiking, & a Horse Handstand

    Soooo much to share! But I have to be quick, because I am off to …

  • 14 Sep, 2011
    Season Finale: LUXE Cowgirl Yoga

    Ooooh. Aaaahhh. Our last Cowgirl Yoga of the season, the LUXE version, is this weekend. …

  • 10 Sep, 2011
    Hiking Highlights

    It’s September but it’s still feeling like summer in Montana…I’m looking forward shifting into fall, …

  • 30 Aug, 2011
    Couples’ therapy, & being a little bit of a badass

    I just got reacquainted with fear, something I’ve spent a good part of my adult …

  • 28 Aug, 2011
    End of Summer sighs

    The official end of summer rapidly approaches…and I can certainly say that it’s going out …