Montana Musings from Margaret Burns Vap on life under the Big Sky, motherhood, horses, and last but not least, yoga. Yeehaw & Namaste.
I recently was lucky enough to be chosen as an Inspired Mountain Ambassador for Cloudveil. …
What a feeling…
Here’s a round up of my fave moments from last week’s Cowgirl Yoga summer ’09 kick-off retreat: …
I’ve got the post-Cowgirl Yoga blues. Well, not really, but that sounds like a good …
As I was walking to my bedroom yesterday evening, this was the view I glimpsed …
Those of you that have small children that watch the Sprout channel know there is …
Yeehaw and Namaste alert! Why do I never get tired of saying that? It’s so …
Am busy gearing up for our upcoming Cowgirl Yoga retreat, and today was practicing some …