Cowgirl Yoga™ Blog

Montana Musings from Margaret Burns Vap on life under the Big Sky,
motherhood, horses, and last but not least, yoga.
Yeehaw & Namaste.

  • 19 Aug, 2008
    Pigeon is the cure-all

    As I recently mentioned, I’ve had a tough time reconnecting with my yoga mat lately. …

  • 17 Aug, 2008
    Dog days of summer? Think cool waterfall

    I am definitely a cool-weather person. I think I could be happy if I lived …

  • 14 Aug, 2008
    Morgane & Misty

    When you live in Montana, you can go over to a friends’ place for dinner, …

  • 13 Aug, 2008
    Challenges off the mat

    Yikes, I’ve been very delinquent on blogging. It’s like when you have a journal and …

  • 21 Jul, 2008
    Down time

    Last week’s Cowgirl Yoginis wore me out…in a good way. I am enjoying a bit …

  • 15 Jul, 2008
    July Cowgirl Yoga-ing

    The ladies here for the July Cowgirl Yoga are delightful…we’re having a great time. lots …

  • 09 Jul, 2008
    More Summer reading

    I confess to being a huge foodie; my life revolves around food. I love buying …

  • 06 Jul, 2008
    July 4th Yoga, Riding & Hiking

    Over the 4th of July weekend, I’ve been able to do three of the four …

  • 28 Jun, 2008
    Birthday Girls

    Cowgirl Yoga Annie has the same birthday as Morgane, so we had a party for …